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Get legal defense services & compliance management via FFLGuard.
Celerant’s POS integrates with FastBound’s A&D FFL software making ATF inspections a breeze. FastBound makes your electronic bound bookkeeping simple, secure and compliant, guaranteed.
Stamped by the FFLGuard, FastBound ensures your logbooks are ATF-Compliant by staying up-to-date with all the latest ATF information and regulation changes.
This partnership provides dealers with peace of mind by offering an efficient, secure and compliant bookkeeping solution, guaranteed, along with FFL and ATF compliance attorneys for support.
FastBound’s Electronic A&D software streamlines compliance for Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) with easy-to-use, ATF-approved record-keeping. Eliminate manual errors, save time, and gain peace of mind with automated 4473 forms, robust audit features, and guaranteed legal protections.
As a preferred software provider for the NSSF, NRA and NASGW, Celerant provides point of sale, eCommerce, distributor integrations, electronic A&D, range management, marketplace integrations, email marketing and more. Our solutions let retailers focus on their business, not their software.