
3 Retail Technology Takeaways from the SuperZoo 2021 Trade Show

Shifting Trends in the Pet Industry

Celerant is super excited to be coming back to trade shows and there’s no better way to kick things off than to be exhibiting at the 2021 SuperZoo show here in Las Vegas.

SuperZoo brings together a community of some of the nation’s largest pet brands and retailers, and at the show this year we’re showcasing our point of sale, our CRM and loyalty rewards, our many pet industry integrations, such as ASTRO and Phillips Pet Supply.

One of the unique challenges that the pet retailer is facing is how to deal with COVID. The pandemic has shifted the way that consumers buy.

They’re now used to curbside, they’re used to in-store pickup, they’re used to buying online. These are the features that Celerant provides, and these are the features that the retailers need.

Teresa Miller, Treats Unleashed

So a couple of integrations that we’re going to be using with Celerant are the ASTRO integration for pet stores as well as the website integration.

So ASTRO is important to us in terms of keeping track of our frequent feeder program along with the website, so being able to create a seamless experience for our customers, they can shop however they want to shop, whether it be in-store or online, it becomes a very good experience.

Related: Treats Unleashed Success Story »

Loree Shirazi, Paw Pleasers

With this system, Celerant has been fantastic because, well, this year we made the decision not to go to SuperZoo.

We can still download all the orders and as we’re placing our orders, we are actually putting them into the computer, putting in the new merchandise, setting up the purchase orders, sending them in, and we’re doing it from what we’re calling “SuperZoo on the sofa.”

It’s been really easy and my staff has integrated really, really well. Super simple for them and so far we really like it.

Celerant Serves the Entire Retail Cycle

I think that one of the biggest values that we bring is that we have the entire retail cycle in all aspects.

You have your in-store, you have vendor links, distributor integrations, and catalog services, you have eCommerce, all integrated in under one platform.

Billy Dellipoali, Choice Pet

Celerant offers at the point of sale, our staff the ability to not only maintain customer files very easily, keep track of our inventory, the time and the money that we’re saving with all the different programs that are available to us that we didn’t have with our old system is invaluable.

Developing Technology for Tomorrow’s Retail Challenges

This last year has been really challenging and at Celerant, we’ve been working really hard to develop new features and functionality to help pet retailers to continue to adapt and grow.

Streamline your Pet Supply and Retail Store Business

Learn how you can automate processes and increase sales both in store and online using Celerant’s all-in-one retail software.