
SafeSide Tactical Keeps Their Website Up-to-Date with SEO Services

History of SEO Services with Celerant

We’ve been working with the SEO team at Celerant for four or five years now, and that really makes sure that our website is staying up to date with changes and that we’re getting maximum visibility across our product offerings.

Why SEO is More Than Just Knowing Google

In addition to just having someone that understands Google and how the search engines are optimizing, you also have to have someone who has the development skill set to implement those changes.

Celerant Handles the Changes on the Back End

Sometimes it’s as easy as adding a buzzword which we can do without an SEO service. But the reality is many of the changes are on the back end, they’re at the code level.

How Celerant Makes a Difference

Partnering with Celerant’s SEO team in addition to their recommendations, they’re tasking their internal developers with making the changes. And so, having it all under one roof means that there isn’t a lot of back and forth. Sometimes those changes are happening without me even knowing and then I’m just finding out that they happened and that we’re good.

Optimization is an Ongoing Task

Google’s forever changing and so you can’t just optimize your site and walk away. As Google evolves, your site has to evolve and so sometimes that’s daily weekly monthly but it’s really always happening.

Celerant’s SEO Services

Increase traffic and sales on your eCommerce website with Celerant’s  digital marketing services for retailers.