
Streamline Inventory with MGE Wholesale and Celerant’s Retail Software

Helping Dealers Stand Out with Unique Offerings

MGE Wholesale has been in business for over 25 years.

We’re a nationwide distributor, we carry a lot of unique products, brands and a lot of exclusives that really benefit the dealer if they want to set themselves apart from other online retailers.

Leveraging Industry Partners to Expand Product Offerings

What Celerant does which is really unique in the firearms retail software space is that we’re a development company first and we bring different partners in, very seamlessly, because of our technology stack that allows us to do that.

As a Celerant customer, having the partnerships with multiple distributors and dealers allow you to leverage products and not actually keep them on hand.

Multiple Product and Vendor Options for Firearm Retailers

Celerant is a company that really has it together, has all options covered for the dealer.

Options that don’t come standard with other service providers. The e4473, the auto-replenishment integration between the dealer’s inventory and the inventory we provide is very beneficial to any dealer that would be looking at Celerant.

Learn More

Learn how Celerant’s point of sale system integrates with MGE Wholesale to make maintaining your unique inventory simple.