
Sell Millions Worth of Inventory In-Store and Online with Sportsman’s Supply

Offering an ‘Endless Aisle’ with Automated Integrations

Sportsman Supply, we’re a wholesale distributor.

We carry about 150 brands. We distribute to brick-and mortar-stores nationwide. We’ve been with Celerant for almost a year now, it’s been a really good partnership.

We have the store component. We also have the online component. It’s the automatic ordering system that we have, the catalog import, the ‘endless aisles’ where basically my millions of dollars of inventory is available at the store level to these customers.

Saving Time with Online Listing Creation using Vendor Catalog Imports

The integration with the Sportsman Supply is going to allow our clients to save time by not having to create each individual product, as well as accuracy because it’s coming right from the vendor itself.

You’re also going to be able to have on your website, the ability to put the images and descriptions and the amount of inventory that’s actually available for them to sell.

Continually Improving the Systems for Vendor Integrations

The Celerant team has been awesome.

I’ve worked with quite a few integration companies over the past few decades and I’ve never met a company that has just so much energy and drive and enthusiasm and always wants to push the envelope and do a little bit more.

You know, what more can we do for our customers.

Learn More

Learn how you can import Sportsman’s Supply catalog to sell products both in-store and online for your business.